Zhang CPA Group LLC provides business incorporation advisory and registration services. If you're looking for an easy, efficient way to incorporate your business, our Zhang CPA Group LLC can help you through the process. We offer various package options and can help you determine the perfect business structure for your company. As you work through the process of choosing the proper structure for your business, take your time and keep in mind the many advantages of incorporation. We also provide consulting services about business incorporation to help you make a right decision of your company’s type.
Incorporation has many advantages for a business and its owners, including:
1) Protects the owner's assets against the company's liabilities;
2) Allows for easy transfer of ownership to another party;
3) Achieves a lower tax rate than on personal income;
4) Gain the authority your business needs to get right on its feet;
5) Receives more lenient tax restrictions on loss carry forwards;
6) Can raise capital through the sale of stock, etc.
There are many different types of business structures, our LLC can help you to choose from and form the following business types:
- Sole Proprietorship
- Limited Partnership (LP)
- Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
- Limited Liability Company (LLC)
- C Corporation
- S Corporation
All the different business structures are various in filing requirements, liability, legal and operational requirements, management, tax liabilities etc. We can help you to choose the best one to maximize your tax benefits and limit your risks based on your needs.
Welcome to contact with us if you have any questions!